贝米吉州立大学’s Department of 公共安全 strives to provide a safe and secure campus for all that live, 工作, 学习并参观北京国立大学. On this page you will find several resources and tips to help ensure your safety on campus and in the surrounding community. 如有疑问,请联系 公共安全

尽管公共安全部门提供 为所有学生提供安全服务, 教师, staff and visitors at 贝米吉州立大学 and Northwest Technical College, it remains extremely important that every individual at BSU takes all measures necessary to ensure their own and their peers’ safety and comfort.


学生, 教师, staff and guests of the University are encouraged to immediately report emergencies and criminal activity.

  • 如果有紧急情况,请拨打911.
  • Call the Department of 公共安全 by calling 3888 from an on-campus phone or (218) 755-3888 from an off-campus phone for non-emergencies. (这个号码每天都有人接听.)
  • 你也可以去公共安全办公室, 它位于核桃厅的地下室.

The dispatcher will alert on-duty public safety officer(s) and call the Bemidji Police Department when necessary. 公共安全官员会回应的, assist any victim(s) and prepare reports and other documentation for follow-up.

The public safety officer can also assist crime victims in reporting a crime to the Bemidji Police Department and the public safety officer will report the crime to the Bemidji Police Department if the victim is unable to make such a report.


There are several emergency blue light telephones installed throughout the university campus. These telephones are identified by a blue light and provide a direct line to the 公共安全 Dispatcher.

All elevators on campus have an emergency phone located within them that provides a direct line to the 公共安全 Dispatcher.

All Residence Hall entrances have an emergency phone located within them that provides a direct line to the 公共安全 Dispatcher.


The Department of 公共安全 staff members are available to assist you in protecting yourself by providing regular foot and/or vehicle patrols. 另外, the Department of 公共安全 publishes and distributes security and safety related materials throughout campus. 然而, only you can protect yourself by being aware of your surroundings and taking appropriate precautions to avoid being the victim of a crime.

  • 避免夜间独自行走.
  • Refrain from taking short cuts, walk where there is plenty of light and traffic.
  • 避免在天黑后独自散步和慢跑. 如果你必须在晚上独自旅行, use the Department of 公共安全’s Escort Service (218-755-3888) to escort you to your on-campus destination.
  • 沿着光线充足的路线行走.
  • 警惕周围的环境. 如果你怀疑自己被跟踪了, 朝另一个方向跑, go to the other side of the street and yell for help or head quickly for a lighted area or a group of people.
  • Have your keys ready when returning to your residence hall or apartment and keep personal or valuable items concealed and close to your body.
  • Watch for suspicious persons in and around University buildings or parking lots. 不要追求他们. Immediately contact the Department of 公共安全 (218-755-3888). Call the Department of 公共安全 if you should enter your room and find a stranger, 不管提供了什么“掩护故事”.
  • 如果你在校园内或附近看到任何可疑活动或人员, 请致电公共安全部(218-755-3888). Do not assume the person is a visitor or University staff member that you have not seen before.


如果你住在校园里或在校外公寓, 花点时间登记贵重物品是个好主意. 我们有一个非常安全的校园和一个安全的社区, 但以防万一,你有物品的记录. 看看 ReportIt 了解更多信息.

  • Personal property (purses, backpacks, calculators, cell phones, etc.)不应该无人看管. Take such items with you if you are leaving the office, classroom or your residence.
  • Take valuables home with you during vacations and school breaks.
  • 如果可能的话,把自行车停在你能看着的地方. 永远锁好你的自行车.
  • 利用自行车架,总是锁上你的自行车. There are several good anti-theft devices available and casehardened heavy locks and chains afford the best protection.


  • Lock your door — even if you are only going out for a short time. It only takes eight seconds to walk into an open room and steal your valuables.
  • 睡觉时一定要锁好门窗. You are also encouraged to lock your door and windows when you are awake.
  • 不要撑开上了锁的建筑物外门. These doors are locked for your protection and protection of other residents.
  • Never open exterior doors of the building for strangers or non-residents. 总是护送你的客人进出正门.
  • Do not loan your keys or Student ID card swipe to anyone — even a classmate or friend. They may not be careful with them and may misplace them, giving the wrong person access.
  • Do not put your name or address on key rings as they may be used to steal your property if found by the wrong person.
  • Smoke detectors are provided in each housing unit for your safety and at no time should they be disconnected or removed.


  • Always lock your car doors and never leave your keys in the vehicle.
  • 尽量把车停在光线充足的地方.
  • Avoid leaving property where it’s visible; utilize your trunk if necessary.


The Department of 公共安全 provides several ALICE training sessions throughout each semester at BSU and NTC. 爱丽丝(警报, 封锁, 通知, 计数器, Evacuate) training provides preparation and planning for individuals and organizations on how to more proactively handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or respond to an active shooter event. ALICE training provides a new approach to situational awareness, 识别, 评估及回应.

更多信息,请访问 高校ALICE培训项目网站.


贝米吉州立大学有几个可用的资源 在课堂上学习缓和紧张情绪的技巧.
